Find My Builder
Student Work
Application Design, Logo Design, Concept Design
(Create a campaign, product or concept that will help change the community for the better. Do this by first finding a problem and then executing a solution.)

Conceptual mobile application created to take job seeking builders off street corners and away from hardware store entrances. Teaming up with builders-warehouse this mobile application concept takes builders, carpenters, plumbers, painters, etc, off street corners, puts them through a training course and creates a personal work portfolio on this app for them. The find my builder app bridges the gap between builders looking for work and consumers looking for cost-effective and reliable builders. The mobile application works according to the user’s location, the consumer can find the closest builder to their current location with the use of Google maps and GPS tracking. When the consumer chooses a builder in their area the builder’s profile will be shown containing a photo of the builder, a short biography given about them, a cell number to contact them with and if they have worked for clients before along with a rating and commenting section where previous clients can rate their work and effectiveness. In order to become a part of the builders' mobile app workforce, each applicant has to undergo a course in their chosen line of work (plumbing, landscaping, etc). The course will be provided by Builders Warehouse and will focus on giving back to the community, for example, if an applicant wishes to do a course in painting, Builders Warehouse will have them paint and practice on underprivileged schools etc. On applying for the course the applicant will pay a once off fee to Builders Warehouse as well as sign a contract with them stating that all material they use in their future jobs will be sourced from Builders Warehouse only. When completing their course the applicant will automatically be placed on the mobile application along with a proof of attendance of the builders' course.

When using the mobile application, the consumer will have the ability to locate their chosen builder, contact their builder directly from the app, rate and comment on their builder’s work, share their experience on Facebook or Twitter as well as create a contact list of all the builders the consumer has used in the past, making it easier to find them again for further work. Furthermore, the mobile app comes with a description of each course offered by Builders Warehouse, along with the duration of the course, and proof of certification. The app gives the user the option to create their own profile with all their past ratings given in order for consumers to communicate with each other directly if they wish to find out more about builders they have rated. Lastly, as all apps should, this one comes with a long list of terms and conditions stating that Builders Warehouse will not be responsible for any damage done to property by the applicants, etc. 

This app will serve as a direct connection and support to small businesses in South Africa whilst putting the Builders Warehouse brand in a good light and creating a healthy powerful brand image. This mobile application will help keep people off the street and in a steady workflow environment. By having the applicants sign a contract with Builders Warehouse stating that they will source all their needed material from Builders Warehouse creates a steady brand connection as well as helps regulate the common costs of builders pricing when working for the client. 

By creating this application Builders-Warehouse will be giving back to the community whilst creating more job opportunities as well as grow their profits. 
Thank You
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
- Proverbs 2:10
Find My Builder

Find My Builder

App creation to take unemployed builders off the street and give them job opportunities.
